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Hankyung National University ends 3-year Krache Farming Center Support Project in Cambodia□, Hankyung National University (President Lee Won-hee) ended the 'Cambodia Krache Farming Center Su2024.01.0505 2024.01
Hankyung National University, Tashkent University of World Economics and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan Sm□, Hankyung National University completed the 'Smart Korean Language Classroom Construction Project2024.01.0505 2024.01
A book co-authored by Professor Jeon Ji-ni of Hankyung National University, selected as a 2023 Sejo□ the book "Six Perspectives on Actors and Acting" (Paju: Blue Thought), which was co-authored by Pr2023.12.2121 2023.12
Hankyung National University, 2023 Gyeonggi-do Lifelong Learning University Graduation Ceremony and□, Hankyung National University announced that it held the 'Gyeonggi-do Lifelong Learning University2023.12.2121 2023.12
Professor Shin Yong-jae of Hankyung National University, selected as a recommended book in the Sejon□, in the '2023 Sejong Book Selection Project' hosted by the Korea Publishing and Culture Industry P2023.12.2121 2023.12
Hankyung National University successfully held a discussion for the establishment of a new medical s□ Hankyung National University (President Lee Won-hee) held a discussion on the establishment of a n2023.12.2121 2023.12
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We always imagine a better tomorrow.
We always dream of higher ideals.
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This is daily life at HKNU.
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Hankyung National University Industry-Academy-Research Cooperation Family Company Recruitment GuideThe Hankyung National University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation operates an industry-acade2023.08.2424 2023.08
한경국립대, ‘웰투게더, 모두가 행복한 아카펠라’개강□ 우리 대학(총장 이원희) 장애인평생교육센터는 17일 장애인과 비장애인이 함께하는 웰투게더, 모두가 행복한 아카펠라 를 개강했다.◦ 해당 과정은 장애인의 사회통합과 삶의 질 제2023.05.2424 2023.05
국민권익위원회 주관 한경대학교 종합청렴도 평가 결과국민권익위원회 주관 한경대학교 종합청렴도 평가 결과 안내 드립니다.2023.02.0202 2023.02
『안성시 어린이급식관리지원센터』 4회 연속 재위탁 기관 선정국립 한경대학교,『안성시 어린이급식관리지원센터』 4회 연속 재위탁 기관 선정□ 국립한경대학교(총장 이원희) 산학협력단이 안성시 어린이급식관리지원센터 재위탁 심사에서 2022년부터2021.12.0303 2021.12
한경대학교 백두산연구센터 설립 기념 학술대회 성료한경대학교 백두산연구센터 설립 기념 학술대회 성료-미래세대를 위한 백두산 지키기-□ 국립한경대학교는 「한경대학교 백두산연구센터 설립 기념 학술대회」를 4월 28일(수) 10시 302021.04.2828 2021.04
전통시장 및 국가경제 활성화를 위한 산·학·연·정 업무협약식- 소상공인시장진흥공단, 한국식품연구원, 코오롱글로텍 공동 협약-□ 우리대학은 3월 25일 한경대학교 국제컨벤션센터에서 소상공인시장진흥공단(이사장 조봉환), 한국식품연구원(부원장2021.03.2626 2021.03
산학협력단 신규 연구비관리시스템 도입산학협력단 신규 연구비관리시스템 도입 안내 산학협력단에서는 한경대학교 종합정보시스템 운영중단에 따라 연구 및 산학협력 관리를 위한 연구행정통합시스템 도입을 추진하고 있습니다.원활2020.11.0505 2020.11
한국미래융합기술연구원 세계최대 방위산업체 록히드마틴과 MOU 체결한국미래융합기술연구원 세계최대 방위산업체 록히드마틴과 MOU 체결 우리대학 산학협력단 한국미래융합기술연구원(이하 KCT )은 10월 29일 한국프레스센터에서 세계최대 방위산업체인2019.11.0404 2019.11
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Meet the various Schools that nurture talent
- Applied Humanities & Public Service
Fostering creative talent with convergent knowledge of the humanities and social sciences.
- Law & Business Administration
Cultivating professionals with holistic personalities for the knowledge and information society
- Wellness Industry & Convergence
Cultivating inclusive talents in the wellness industry that lead the value of life.
- Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment
Fostering convergent applied resource environment experts who lead a sustainable future for humanity.
- Animal Life Convergence Science
Nurturing creative professionals who analyze and solve animal industry-related problems for the 4th industrial revolution.
- Biotechnology
Cultivating professional talents capable of creative reproduction through research and experiments using various living organisms.
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
Harmony between nature and civilization, Construction and Environmental Engineering
- Social Safety System Engineering
Nurturing agricultural engineering researchers, safety experts, and health managers
- Food Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering
Developing innovative, creative, and interdisciplinary professionals to lead
the chemical, food, biological, and material industries.
- Computer Engineering & Applied Mathematics
Developing professionals with holistic personalities suitable for the knowledge and information society.
- ICT, Robotics & Mechanical Engineering
Training convergent professional engineers who lead the fields of ICT, robotics, and mechanical engineering.
- Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Acquire basic electrical and electronic engineering knowledge and train professionals to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
- Architecture & Design Convergence
Cultivating creative and practical convergence of design and architecture.
- AI Convergence
Cultivating 4th Industrial Revolution-oriented talent with convergent thinking, agriculture, and engineering expertise based on artificial intelligence and big data analysis capabilities
- Bright College
Balanced competency-based holistic education, open education that embraces diversity with an enterprising attitude, and practical education that communicateswith the world and takes action in the region.
- Rehabilitative Welfare
rehabilitation and welfare professionals who lead the implementation
of a welfare state based on human respect
- Creative Arts
Cultivating artists who combine creativity and craftsmanship
- Integrated Social Sciences
Cultivating experts for an integrated society of disabled and non-disabled people
in response to the expansion of systems related to the disabled and increasing social demands
- AI & Semiconductor Convergence
Cultivating convergent talents who can actively respond to next-generation technological changes
- Global Workforce Development
There are a Global Sports Management major and a Global Management major and are comprised of international students.
Hankyong Univ. / Korea Welfare Univ. in
A new start at HKNU
A new start at HKNU
Hankyong Univ. / Korea Welfare Univ. in
A new start at
Hankyong National University
Hankyong National University
- Anseong Campus
- Directions Campus Map School Bus
- Pyeongtaek Campus
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